As a father of a young tennis player that came from Chile to San Antonio improve is tennis I can share the experience of working with Leonard Ivic for the pass 4 years in a few bullet points:

- Discipline and Work Ethic. Very satisfied with the way he lead my son into those important qualities that the any sport requires.

-Passionate and total involvement in my son’s tournaments and off court activities

-Very technical and good eye to fix bad technique always looking to develop a pro player above the short term results.

-Loves the sport and loves to share his knowledge

-Finally I am very happy to know that my son took the best memories from the long lasting hard work training sessions he had with Leonard and all the conversations and advice he got from Leonard.

Eduardo Dominguez

Being a former college tennis player, I've had weekly coaching sessions with Leo Ivic since 2015. I've also observed Leo coach junior tennis players on many occasions over the years. Leo's method of coaching is uniquely powerful in his ability to focus on the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the game. He is consistently positive and motivating while also challenging you to be your absolute best. His attention and focus during the lesson is amazing, and you always feel his total presence during the lesson. I've been especially impressed with how attuned he is to my physical and emotional state, and tailors the coaching to meet my changing needs, including the psychological aspects of the game. With juniors, he is especially effective in enhancing their self-esteem while also focusing on their opportunities to grow. To have such a talent as Leo Ivic in San Antonio is a significant boon to our local tennis community, and a rare opportunity to take advantage of a world-class coach.

Tony Rogers, Ph.D.

I would like to start with what a great person Leo is on and off the tennis court! Leo does a great job of trying to understand what makes the player tick so that he is able to connect with the student. Leo is always researching different ways to help the player understand what they need to do to improve for the long term development in their game. Leo is committed to helping the player become the best they can become on and off the court! Thank you Leo for all you do!

Trey Foster